Disclosure log

When an applicant receives information from the Commission under the Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI Act), this information may be made publicly available in our disclosure log.

Documents in the disclosure log

This disclosure log includes either a copy of the document or information about accessing the document.

It only includes documents for decisions that fall within section 78A and are compliant with section 78B of the RTI Act.

Documents that contain the applicant’s personal information are not published.

Omitted information

Under the RTI Act, sensitive information is redacted from the documents in the disclosure log. This includes information that:

  • can’t be legally published
  • may be defamatory
  • would unreasonably invade an individual’s privacy or cause substantial harm 
  • is communicated in confidence or protected from disclosure under a contract.

Apply for information under the RTI Act

You have the right to ask what information we hold about you by filling out an RTI application.

RTI reference Date application made Topic/information requested Status Applicant /entity


Transferred from DJAG RTI to Commission on 22 December 2022

All documents, correspondence, notes, files and any record held by the Legal Services Commission pertaining to the Legal Services Commission review of a complaint into a solicitor, conducted by Legal Services Commission.

1 January 2022 to 20 December 2022

Application finalised. Relevant documents released. No documents published.


10 October 2023

All documents held by the Legal Services Commission pertaining to the complaints made about two solicitors including any documents relating to follow-up enquiries.

2005 to 2023

Application valid. Assessment period not finalised.


17 November 2020

Documents held by the Legal Services Commission relating to an investigation into a solicitor acting for a client in a Family Court matter against another party, including correspondence with the Family Court, Law Society, Department of Justice and Attorney-General and the other party.

Time period/ date range for request: 1 January 2002 to 26 May 2020.

Application finalised. Relevant documents released. No documents published.


24 September 2020

Documents held by the Legal Services Commission relating to a complaint against a solicitor and/or law firm, made by/or on behalf of a complainant.

Time period/ date range for request: August 2019 to August 2020.

Application finalised. Relevant documents released. No documents published.


26 May 2020

Documents held by the Legal Services Commission relating to the provision of the number of solicitors who have been prosecuted for professional misconduct or unsatisfactory conduct regarding breaches of section 64 and section 66 of Personal Injuries Proceedings Act 2002 and the number of fines issued relating to these breaches.

Time period/ date range for request: 1 January 2002 to 26 May 2020.

Application finalised. No documents released—as no documents exist.


3 December 2019

Documents held by the Legal Services Commission relating to a solicitor and two complainants.

Time period/ date range for request: November 2016 to 3 December 2019.

Application withdrawn.


4 October 2019

Documents held by the Legal Services Commission relating to an investigation and prosecution regarding a solicitor’s conduct, including a complete copy of documents filed in the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT).

Time period/ date range for request: June 2013 to July 2019.

Application finalised. Relevant documents released. No documents published.

Tenement Administration Services Pty Ltd ACN 007 397 873


27 September 2019

Documents held by the Legal Services Commission relating to a solicitor and two complainants.

Time period/ date range for request: November 2016 to 27 September 2019.

Application withdrawn.


18 April 2019

Documents held by the Legal Services Commission relating to the 17 documents listed on page 2 of the Commission’s decision letter regarding a complaint lodged about a solicitor’s conduct dated 14 December 2017.

Time period/ date range for request: 14 December 2017.

Application finalised. No documents released.

Naturelink Environmental Services Pty Ltd


4 December 2018

Documents held by the Legal Services Commission relating to a solicitor.

Time period/date range: 1998 to 7 November 2018.

Application finalised. No documents released.