Currently, construction work is in progress at the Brisbane CBD office. Should you wish to visit or arrange any appointments at the Commission, please call (07) 3564 7726. Thank you.

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  • About the Commission

  • Our work

    The Commission receives and investigates complaints about the conduct of lawyers, their employees and people who act as a lawyer when they are not qualified.

  • Other places to find help

    There are other avenues for free and culturally safe legal services or to make complaints about other professions, such as police officers and government officials.

  • Our news

  • Our publications

    We publish essential information to report on our work.

  • For the public

  • Choosing a lawyer

    It’s important to find a lawyer who is right for you and who can provide the service you need.

  • Make an enquiry

    Our process is simple. The time it takes us to respond will depend on how complex your matter is. We will keep you updated on our progress.

  • Legal costs

    Learn about how you will be charged for your legal costs, and what your lawyer must disclose to you.

  • Costs disclosure

    Your lawyer has obligations to make disclosures about legal costs and other rights to you.

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