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Privacy Statement

Privacy Statement

Information about how the Commission collects, stores, uses and discloses personal information

The Legal Services Commission is committed to protecting your privacy. Like other Queensland public sector agencies, the Commission must comply with the 11 Information Privacy Principles in the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld). These principles outline how personal information must be collected and managed by the public sector. 

The way the Commission collects, stores, uses and discloses your information is also regulated by the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld) and the Public Records Act 2023 (Qld). The Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld) also includes the right to privacy and reputation. As a statutory authority, we have an obligation to act and make decisions in a way that is compatible with human rights and, when making a decision, to give proper consideration to human rights. 

What type of personal information may the Commission collect and store?

Personal information includes any information or an opinion, whether true or not, about an individual whose identity is apparent or can be reasonably identified. Depending on the reasons you contact the Commission, the type of information we may collect can include: 

  • name
  • email address
  • signature
  • telephone number
  • home and / or business addresses
  • employer
  • date of birth
  • bank account and credit card (if a payment is being made or received)
  • photograph or video (for events and from CCTV footage in the foyer of our office)
  • criminal history
  • educational qualifications
  • employment history, including member records
  • health or health records
  • details of an enquiry and complaint.

Why do we collect and hold personal information?

Usually, we will tell you the reason why we are collecting your information, or it will be clear from the context.

For example, we only collect information:

  • relevant to an enquiry or complaint
  • for our investigations 
  • to inform you of the outcome of a complaint or investigation. 

For members of the profession and other key stakeholders, we may use the personal information collected for other regulatory functions, as well as for communication and engagement activities.

Unless you specifically tell us, the Commission will not know who you are. Any personal information you provide will be used for the purpose specified at the time it is collected and will otherwise be managed in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld). 

How we collect, use, disclose and store personal information

We collect personal information in various ways, including via online forms, paper forms, telephone, email and in person. We usually collect your personal information directly from you. However, there may be times when we collect information from a third-party source, like during the investigation of a complaint.

Under the Public Records Act 2023 (Qld), any correspondence with the Commission, such as emails or information provided via a form, may be kept as a public record.

If you call us when our telephones are unattended, you may leave a recorded message. Recordings may be saved and stored on our secure database as part of a case file.

We only use or disclose personal information for the purposes for which it was collected and for related purposes. We don’t disclose your personal information unless one of the following applies:

  • the disclosure is authorised under the Legal Profession Act 2007 or another Act
  • the disclosure is made in connection with the administration of the Legal Profession Act 2007
  • it is made with your consent
  • it is made in connection with a legal proceeding (which includes disciplinary proceedings)
  • the disclosure is made with a lawful excuse.

For example, when dealing with a complaint or investigation, we may disclose your personal information to:

  • the complainant 
  • the person named in the complaint and their legal representative
  • a regulatory authority (either the Bar Association of Queensland or Queensland Law Society)
  • Employers or other third parties in order to deal with the complaint.

If we begin proceedings in QCAT, the Legal Practice Committee or Magistrates Court, your personal information may also be lawfully disclosed to those bodies. In these cases, the reason for the disclosure of personal information is in line with the reason for its collection.

We may use and disclose your personal information for a secondary, related purpose that you would reasonably expect, based on the reason we initially collected it. If needed, we may also disclose your personal information to:

  • legal advisers and other experts
  • research providers and partners 
  • information technology providers, including hardware and software vendors and consultants, such as programmers if required or authorised to do so, and 
  • other regulatory bodies and government agencies.

Your personal information will be de-identified in any published reports or research.

All personal information is stored securely and treated as confidential. Hard-copy and electronic records of personal information are stored securely in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld). The Commission takes all reasonable steps to safeguard your privacy and prevent any loss, unauthorised access or other misuse of personal information.

Access or amend your personal information

You can request to amend your personal information if it is inaccurate, incomplete, outdated or misleading. Fill out an application form and send it to the Commission by email or post (see below).

Generally, you won’t be charged for making an application to access or amend your personal information, but there are some exceptions. There are circumstances where we may lawfully deny your request, however we will tell you why. The Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld) also limits our ability to provide access to information.

For more information about accessing information, see Right to Information. The Office of the Information Commissioner also provides more information about accessing your personal information.

If you are seeking to access or amend your personal information, you must provide a certified copy of your identification document. If you are making the request on behalf of someone else, you must provide certified copies of both identities, as well as proof of your authority to act on that person’s behalf (for example a signed authority or power of attorney document).


Right to Information and Privacy Coordinator
Legal Services Commission
PO BOX 10310 Adelaide Street
Brisbane QLD 4000



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