Due to tropical cyclone Alfred, the Brisbane CBD office will be closed to the public on Thursday, 6 March and Friday, 7 March. The Commission will still be open to assist you by phone or email.
There are a number of ways you can report sexual harassment to the Legal Services Commission. You can report anonymously or on the record. Whichever you choose, there are support available to help you.
Our sexual harassment response team have specialised training in managing sexual harassment complaints. They are available to discuss your concerns and to inform you about our role and processes should you wish to make a report or complaint.
If you are not sure which pathway is right for you, you can speak to our sexual harassment complaints specialists to understand more about the process before deciding how to proceed.
Make an informal report using our anonymous sexual harassment reporting tool
Call us on (07) 3564 7726 or 1300 655 754 to speak to a member of our Team
Email us at lsc@lsc.qld.gov.au
You can submit a formal enquiry by using our enquiry form
You may use our online reporting tool if you have experienced or witnessed sexual harassment and wish to speak about it informally or anonymously, rather than a formal enquiry or complaint.
While we can’t investigate this unless you lodge a formal complaint, the Commission monitors trends and data from these reports so that we can undertake targeted compliance action and education activities
To report on the record, you will need to provide your name and contact details and your enquiry and complaint will need to be recorded in writing. If the matter proceeds to a complaint and investigation we will be required to provide your name, along with information about the complaint, to the person we are investigating.
Submit a formal enquiry by using our enquiry form
You can also report to the Queensland Human Rights Commission who investigate complaints about sexual harassment, discrimination and breaches of human rights.
Queensland Human Rights Commission Phone: 1300 130 670 Website: qhrc.qld.gov.au