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Personal Injury and Proceedings Act 2002
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Complaints and investigations
If a complaint is made
The complaints process
Making an enquiry
Personal Injury and Proceedings Act 2002
Claim farming
Sexual harassment
Compliance and audits
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Queensland discipline register
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Claim farming
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What was the name of the person or company who contacted you?
How did they contact you?
Phone call
Voicemail message
Direct message on social media
What was their contact number? Please enter all number/s that they contacted you on.
How many times were you contacted?
Between 2 and 10 times
More than 10 times
Not sure
Did the person or company attempt to refer you to a lawyer or law practice to make a claim?
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Did the person or company refer you to someone else to assist you in making a claim?
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Is there any other information you would like to provide? Please provide as much information as possible in relation to the incident (e.g. suggestions on how the caller may have obtained your personal information).
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